The most important part of getting your abay and getting it at a good price is to appear in control. This sounds funny, like I'm teaching you to train a pet! But the vendors can smell inexperience and if they even get the hint that you are vulnerable and can be taken advantage of, they will not hesitate to boost the prices and skimp on the quality. So when you walk into a store, be casual. Don't look excited about anything you see. It works to make up a rap in your mind. "Be cool, be cool. Don't want to look like no fool. These prices just ain't cool." Yeah, I'm a white girl. But it'll keep you calm! :)
Make sure you have an amount you are willing to spend in mind. This will keep you focused and also, if you're like me, keep you from overspending. Make sure the price is reasonable. You don't want to be cheated but you also don't want to try and be a cheater.
When you find something you like, ask the vendor how much it costs. He will give you a very high price. This is a test to see how tough you are. It's time to kick butt. Be sure to give the man an incredulous look and ask him if he's trying to cheat you. Don't yell. While many "muwatneen," or natives, won't hesitate to start a yelling and insulting argument with the vendor, keep in mind that a woman's voice is her awrah and that yelling is not necessarily the best way to get what you want.
In a calm and quiet voice, tell him that you could get the same thing for (name a number that is about a third of what he offering you--or maybe 2/3 of what you are willing to spend). This is true because you will always be able to find a vendor who will have a better price. Be honest. No abaya is worth the punishment of lying! The seller will counter with "Their abayas aren't the same quality." This is where a good eye comes in. Point out things that will lower the price. If there are beads stuck on, mention that they are done by machine and not by hand. If they abaya is pleated--this was all the rage last time I was there and one of my fave abayas is pleated in the back--make him aware that you know that that is done easily by machine.
And now the fun begins! Tell him you will pay about 2/3 of what you are willing to spend. He won't be very happy and will probably say no. Ask him to lower the price to what he thinks is right. He won't lower it enough. Be tough!! I can be really shy, depending on my mood, but I know that this is the tough part and you should never back down! Finally, say that you won't pay more than what you are willing to pay. He'll keep making offers and you keep declining and if he still doesn't lower it enough, then say thank you and begin to leave. If your price isn't too unreasonable, the vendor will generally call you back and agree to the price you want. What an adventure! I get such a rush out of it!!
This is when you make sure he doesn't get away with giving you bad quality. Request your favorite fabric. Mine is a wonderful one called Internet. It's thick enough that it isn't see-through, but is very breathable. Also, it very rarely requires ironing. I can't remember the last time I had to iron an abaya. I looove it. It feels soo good! Another good fabric is burj-al-arab. These fabrics will also work for party abayas but if you really want to go all out, go with satin. I can't remember the name of my favorite, but just ask for satin.
If you don't know your size, the vendors are pretty good at guessing and they let you try on a

abay to make sure they are right. If you want to add or remove anything from the design, feel free to ask. Things like these silver embellishments will cost a lot more. I had these particular ones removed from a abaya I bought and it drastically lowered the price. I personally thought they were too gaudy for my look. I usually change up the designs and add my own things. Adding something like satin bows should be free. I add bows to almost everything. I love them!
Make sure to get your abaya a little bit long so it looks perfectly glam with heels. Plus, you'll look just like the fashionistas in Dubai with a little bit of abaya trailing behind you. Trust me, they design so that it looks chic and not frumpy.
Shopping for abayas is SO much fun that I have to avoid it sometimes to keep from going crazy spending. It's a great opportunity to be creative and come up with your own designs. There's barely anything that I get a bigger high doing. Can you tell that I'm a shopaholic? I have to work so hard to not be extravagant, but the times I do allow myself to have fun with shopping, I come out a happier woman!
These are awful pictures, but here are some of my recent purchases for the spring:

These two make me feel so elegant!

I love this one. It could even be a work abaya!