I like this abaya because it is dainty and airy. Though it is muy overpriced, I think it'd be great for someone to treat themselves to!
Those miu miu shoes are to. die. for. Straps are just so tres chic.
Gahhhh. I wish someone would just rain muchos dolares on me and the rest of the world so no one would need charity and I could buy all the pretty things I want without feeling guilty. *sigh* Al7amdulillah.
Well that's the end of that. And in case anyone wondered where my buddy Ala has been, she'll be mia for a bit longer. She's a much more dedicated student than I am, and has been studying frantically for exams. She will be back soon though inshallah!
oh btw u asked me abt UAE ..yeah i LOVE living here ..i stay in Dubai.:D u visiting anytime soon?